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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Mohave, AZ

location-map Mohave , AZ | (928) 248 2981

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Hello, I am a licensed professional counselor in the state of Arizona, Oregon and Colorado. I approach counseling with the understanding that all clients are doing the best they can with what they know. As an experienced therapist I explore with the client what is getting in the way of living a healthy and satisfying life. I use an integrated psychotherapy approach that is tailored to work with the client’s strengths, personality, and needs. My specialties are DBT skills training, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Cognitive processing, Acceptance and Commitment therapy, and mindfulness skills. I am experience with a variety mental health diagnosis including: Major Depression, Anxiety disorder, Relationship issues, Autism spectrum, Emotional dysregulation/ Personality disorders, Childhood trauma, PTSD, and Addictions. The key to success with counselling is building a trusting therapeutic relationship where there are no judgements. Whether your problems are new and having difficulty navigating change, your tired of the same repeated patterns that do not serve you well, I am hear to listen and help guide you to a healthier way of coping and responding to life's challenges with emotional intelligence and self-compassion.